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Switzerland Institute

of Developmental Biology


The Switzerland Institute of Developmental Biology provides a framework for the research activities of over 20 research groups in the Faculty of Life Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Developmental biology is currently one of the fastest growing and most exciting areas of biomedical research. Researchers in the field are focused on (i) deciphering genetic processes that control tissue and organ development: these studies are revealing the mechanisms underlying tissue development and the etiology of congenital diseases; (ii) elucidating cellular processes in embryonic development, which are mediated by the actions of genes that are abnormally expressed in cancer cells: these studies are shedding light on the genetics of cancer development and opening new avenues for clinical intervention; (iii) identifying stem cell populations and understanding their regulation in tissue regeneration, aging processes and malignant conditions: stem cell technologies are being implemented to design new cellular therapies for the treatment of human diseases such as Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, muscle damage, heart repair and diabetes. 

Activities of the Switzerland Institute include:

  1. Annual meeting of the "Switzerland Institute of Developmental Biology" at Tel Aviv University.

  2. Fellowships for outstanding Ph.D. students to participate in international meetings.

  3. Support of a course in developmental biology (given each year) for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of the faculties of Medicine and Life Sciences.

  4. Support for TAU-Biomed Development and stem cell hub (   )


TAU-Biomed Development and

Stem-Cell HUB

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Room 200, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

09:30 Refreshments

10:00- 12:00  Lectures



Steve Blacklow, “Molecular Switches in Developmental Signaling”


David Sprinzak, "Precise patterning in the inner ear - the interplay between signaling and forces" 


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sackler School of Medicine, Room 100

9:30 Refreshments

10:00- 10:45 

Naihe Jing, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Title: Lineage segregation of three germ layers in post-implantation mouse embryos

10:45- 11:00 Coffee break

11:00- 11:45 

Xiaoyang wu, Ben May Department for Cancer Research, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Title: Skin engineering with epidermal stem cells

12:00 Student lunch with speakers



Ruth Ashery-Padan, PhD

Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine

Research Topics: Investigating the molecular mechanisms that control the development of the visual system in mammals
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6409331

Avraham Ashkenazi, PhD

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology

Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience 

Research Topic:

1, Protein misfolding and neurological disorders

2. Mechanisms of autophagy and ubiquitin-proteasome pathways 

Lab website:


Gil Ast, PhD

Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine

Research Topics: Evaluate therapeutic agents in a mouse model for the autosomal recessive congenital neuropathy Familial Dysautonomia (FD); Investigate the role of IKAP in the development of the peripheral nervous system; Investigate signal transduction pathways involved in IKBKAP gene regulation.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6406893

Karen Avraham, PhD

Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine

Research Topics: Gene discovery for human hereditary deafness using deep sequencing; Transcriptomics and proteomics of the inner ear using RNA-Seq and MS; Using mouse models for human deafness to understand mechanisms leading to auditory dysfunction; Development and function of microRNAS in the inner ear; Functional analysis of auditory proteins; Planar cell polarity in the inner ear and link to deafness.
Lab Website:

Phone number: 03-6406642

Amir Ayali, PhD

Department of Zoology
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics: A fly-neurons-in-model for nervous system development and pathology
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6409820

Dafna Benayahu, PhD

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology

Sackler Faculty of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience 

Research Topic: Mesenchymal stem cells differentiation in adipose and skeletal tissues and their lineage fate


Lab Website:

Phone number: 03-6406187

Pablo Blinder, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
Research Topic: Investigating the functional and structural link between neurons and vasculature networks in the brain. 
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-640-9640

Dalit Ben-Yosef, PhD
Wolfe PGD-Stem cell Lab,
Racine IVF Unit, Lis Maternity Hospital, Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center & Department of Cell and Developmental Biology Sackler Medical School, Tel-Aviv University
Research Topic: The lab focuses on studying issues related to early embryonic and developmental processes, genetic disorders and different aspects of cell therapy using our unique collection of PGD-derived human embryonic stem cells (hESCs).
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6925733

Limor Broday, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Functional analysis of the ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like pathways in developmental processes.
Lab Website:
E-mail: broday@post,
Phone number: 03-6406653


Daniel Chamovitz, PhD
Department of Molecular Biology and Ecology of Plants
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics: Developmental biology of Arabidopsis and Drosophila.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6406703



Benjamin Dekel, MD PhD
Department of Pediatric Stem Cell Research Institute, Sheba Medical Center
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: The questions we ask in the lab fall under three main categories: Do human kidneys harbor stem/progenitor cells and if so can we use these cells to regenerate kidney organs for people suffering from renal disease? Do human kidney cancers harbor cancer stem cells/tumor initiating cells and if so can we target these cells in a manner that would lead to tumor eradication? Why are children born with malformed kidneys? What is the genetic basis for these diseases and how do mutations functionally affect the renal stem/progenitor pool in development?
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-5302445


Shimon Efrat , PhD
Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Generation of human surrogate insulin-producing cells for cell therapy of diabetes. The two main approaches being pursued are ex-vivo expansion of functional beta cells from human donors, and differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells derived from human beta cells.
Phone number: 03-6407701


Yoav Gothilf, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics: "Circadian clock neuroendocrine control of reproduction.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6406329

Illana Gozes, PhD

Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Developmental disorders in relation to neurodegenerative diseases. Autism spectrum disorders, the ADNP syndrome and drug development - NAP 
Lab Website:


Phone number: 03-6407240


Shai Izraeli, MD
Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry; Institute of Childhood Leukemia Research,

Sheba Medical Center.
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Molecular and Developmental Pathogenesis of childhood leukemia;
The cell cycle and centrosomal protein STIL (SIL) in development and cancer.
Phone number: 052-6666360


Limor Landsman, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Our lab studies pancreas development and function, in health and diabetes, using transgenic mouse models. We focus on the role of mesenchymal cells, a key component of the embryonic and adult pancreas microenvironment, in these processes. We research the mesenchymal signals that guide the development of insulin-producing beta-cells in the embryo and maintain their differentiated state in the adult.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6406149


Carmit Levy, PhD
Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Sackler School of Medicine
Research Topic: Investigating the Regulatory Functions of miRNAs in Development and Cancer 
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03- 6409900


Chen Luxenburg, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Investigating the roles of the actin cytoskeleton in epidermal development, homeostasis and repair
Lab Website:

Phone number: 03- 6409272

Yasmine Meroz, PhD
Affiliation: School of Plant Science and Food Security
The Center for Physics and Chemistry of Living Systems
Research Topics: Physics of Plant Behaviour
1.    Temporal integration of stimuli in plant tropisms
2. Interactions between plants, and collective behaviour

Lab Website:
Phone number:  03-6409846


Ariel Munitz, PhD
Department of Clinical Microbiology and Immunology
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Developmental pathways regulating eosinophil hematopoiesis and the functional physiological consequences of targeting eosinophil development in disease states.
Lab Website:,_PhD/Welcome.html
Phone number: 03-6407635

Dinorah Morvinski, PhD
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Sagol School of Neuroscience.
Research Topics:
1.  Studying the mechanisms of cell reprogramming in brain tumors (glioma cell plasticity) and the contributions of the tumor microenvironment to this process.
2. Designing new mouse models of adult and pediatric brain tumors
3. Designing novel therapeutic approaches combining adoptive immune gene therapy and nanotechnology 
Lab Website:
Phone number:+972-3-6409823

Iftach Nachman, PhD
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics: We focus on understanding early developmental cell fate decisions and patterning using embryonic stem cell-based in-vitro models of early development.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6405900

Nir Ohad , PhD

Director, Manna Center Program for Food Safety & Security
School of Plant Sciences and Food Security

Faculty of Life Sciences
Research Topics: We study the role of DNA and Histone methylation as part of epigenetic regulation during plant reproduction and development
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6407641


Daniel Offen, PhD
Head, The Neuroscience Laboratory
Felsenstein Medical Research Center and member of the Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics:
1.    Induce differentiation of adult stem cells by genetic manipulation
2.    Cell/gene therapy in neurodegenerative diseases
3.    Neurogenesis in Alzheimer's diseases
4.    Peptide-base therapy in Parkinson's and Huntington diseases
5.    Applications of adult stem cells in models of Schizophrenia and Autism
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-9376130


Eran Perlson, PhD
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine
Research Topic: Studying the molecular communication mechanisms within the motoneuron subcellular compartments and between the motoneuron and it diverse extracellular environments that is vital for synapse formation and maintenance. 
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-640-8743

Oded Rechavi, PhD
Department of Neurobiology
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics: We will use simple and genetically tractable organisms and model systems to discover novel biological principles by which RNA affects formation of memory and inheritance of complex traits. Specifically, we recently found a molecular mechanism that allows an heretic phenomena to take place - transgenerational inheritance of acquired traits. The mechanism that allows this phenomenon to occur is transgenerational transmission of small RNAs, which mediate RNA interference (RNAi). Our studies showed that antiviral RNAs (viRNAs), which protect the C.elegans nematodes from viral propagation, can be transmitted from the soma to the germline and pass down to many ensuing generations in a non-Mendelian manner, in the absence of their DNA template, and thus protect (“vaccinate”) RNAi-deficient progeny from viral propagation (Rechavi et al, Cell 2011).
Lab Website:
Phone number: 0523-831831


Rina Rosin-Arbesfeld, PhD
Department: Clinical Microbiology and Immunology

Sackler School of Medicine
Research Topic: Wnt Signaling Pathways in development and cancer
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6408570


Ronit Sagi-Eisenberg, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Mast cell exocytosis as a paradigm for the evolution of organismal host defense mechanisms.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6409500


Ruth Shalgi, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Faculty of Medicine
Research Topics: Our research focuses on Reproductive Physiology in animal models and in humans, currently focusing on the cross talk between the granulosa cells and the oocyte within the follicle, ultimately reflected in the potential to produce a healthy embryo.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6408685


Eilon Shani, PhD
Affiliation: School of Plant Sciences and Food Security

Tel Aviv University
Research Topics:
1. Plant hormone transport mechanisms
2. Plant development
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6409125 



David Sprinzak, PhD
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics:
1.    The biophysics of intercellular signaling.
2.    Mechanisms of planar cell polarity.
3.    Interplay between cell mechanics and cell-cell signaling.
4.    Development of the mammalian inner ear.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6405218

Moran Rubinstein, PhD
Goldschleger Eye Research Institute
The Department of Human Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, Sackler Scholl of Medicine 

Research Topics: 

  1. Neurodevelopmental disorders

  2. The neuronal basis of genetic epilepsies 

  3. Novel treatments for developmental epilepsies 

Lab Website:
Phone number:  03-6358829

Noam Shomron, PhD

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology

Faculty of Medicine

Research Topics: Genomics of development. The Shomron research team focuses on the analysis of genomics aimed at understanding human diseases. Combining high-throughput methods and bioinformatics (such as AI and deep learning), the team’s research explores DNA changes and gene regulators. Their goal is to reach a global perspective on the roles DNA and RNA play during development and disease development.

Lab website:


Phone: 03-6407387

Miguel Weil, PhD
Department of Cell Research and Immunology
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics: Developmental neurobiology; Human stem cells platforms high content analysis screening of drugs for rare diseases.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6406981

Abraham Weizman, MD

Laboratory of Molecular Psychiatry, Felsenstein Medical Research Center, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University and Research Unit, Geha Mental Health Center

Research Topics: 

  • Developmental neurobiology relevant to child and adolescent mental disorders. 

  • The pathogenesis and pharmacotherapy of childhood depression

  • The molecular biology of schizophrenia



Phone number: 050-727-7123


Omri Wurzel, PhD
School of Neurobiology, biochemistry & biophysics
1.       Regeneration and organ growth
2.       Stem cell responses to injuries
3.       Regulation of stem cell differentiation
Lab website:
Phone number: 03-6409553

Shaul Yalovsky , PhD
School of Plant Sciences and Food Security
Faculty of Life Science
Research Topics:

Plant cell polarity.

Abiotic stress signaling and pattern formation.

Small G protein signaling and water use efficiency.
Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-6405268


Ronen Zaidel-Bar, PhD
Department of Cell and Developmental biology

Sackler Faculty of Medicine, TAU
Research Topics:
1.  Regulation of the cytoskeleton in morphogenesis
2. C. elegans as a human disease model
3. Cell and tissue mechanobiology

Lab Website:
Phone number: 03-640-6781



The Switzerland Institute of Developmental Biology provides travel scholarships to partly cover the cost of active participation in an international meeting, workshop, or course in fields related to Developmental Biology. 

Applicants must be Ph.D. students or postdocs at Tel Aviv University that do research in the field of Developmental Biology and were not awarded by the Switzerland Institute in the last three years.
Awardees will be selected based on academic excellence and will be requested to present their findings during the Switzerland Institute retreat on June 13-14.

Applications (in English) should include:
1)          CV and list of publications.

2)          A 200-word summary stating the relevance of the applicant’s research to the field of

Developmental Biology.
3)          Name of course/workshop/meeting and proof of acceptance to the meeting or a letter

from hosting lab (could be sent later if unavailable at the time of application).
4)          Abstract to be presented at the conference or a short summary describing the training program (200 words).
5)          Two letters of recommendation (to be sent separately with the applicant’s name as the file name).

6)          Applicants that were awarded the travel fellowship in the past will be evaluated based on their progress since the previous application. These applicants should include a short summary (200 words) describing their recent findings.  



Applications should be sent by April 23, 2022 as a single PDF file to Chen Luxenburg




Professor David Sprinzak, Ph.D

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics

The George S.Wise faculty of life sciences,

Tel Aviv University

Tel: ‭+972 3-6405218‬


Scientific committee:

Limor Landsman, Ph.D 

Dept. of Cell & Developmental Biology,

Sackler Faculty of Medicine,

Tel Aviv University

Tel: +972 3 6406149


Chen Luxenburg, Ph.D

Dept. of Cell & Developmental Biology,

Sackler Faculty of Medicine,

Tel Aviv University

Tel: +972 3 6409272

Yasmine Meroz, Ph.D.

School of Plant Sciences and Food Security 

The George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,

Tel Aviv University



Omri Wurtzel, Ph.D

Department of Biochmeistry and Molecular Biology
The George S.Wise Faculty of Life Sciences,
Tel Aviv University

Tel: 972-3-6409553


Head: Professor David Sprinzak , Ph.D

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

School of Neurobiology, Biochemistry, and Biophysics

The George S.Wise faculty of life sciences,

Tel Aviv University

Tel: ‭+972 3-6405218‬

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